Fldigi Users Manual
The following macro tags will be parsed and acted upon then they occur during the transmission of the macro.
Tag | Description |
<!WPM:NN> | CW words per minute |
<!POST:+/-nn.n> | CW post delay |
<!PRE:nn.n> | CW pre delay |
<RISE:nn.n><RISE:nn.n> | CW rise/decay time |
<!MODEM: ,...> | Change to specified modem with parameters |
<!GOHOME> | Move audio carrier to mode sweet spot frequency |
<!GOFREQ:NNNN> | Move audio carrier to specific audio frequency |
<!QSY:FFF.F[:NNNN]> | Move to specific RF and Audio frequency |
<!IDLE:NN.nn> | Transmit idle signal for specified number of seconds |
<!WAIT:NN> | Wait (no audio) for specified number of seconds |
<!WPM:ww[:ff]> | CW - ww = WPM, optional ff = Farnsworth wpm |
<!PUSH:m|f> | Push (save) current mode(m), freq(f) for later retrieval <!PUSH> | Push both mode and freq for later retrieval <!POP> | Pop (restore) pushed mode and/or freq <!DIGI> | insert ADIF mode specifier <!FREQ> | RF transmit modem center frequency
Note that each of these tags is identical to their immediate mode counterparts. The exception is the addition of the exclamation mark following the leading '<'. The use of these tags is best explained by example.
<MODEM:CW><TX> <!GOFREQ:600><!WPM:10:15> NOW IS THE TIME - now 180 wpm <!IDLE:2><!RISE:1.0><!PRE:0.4><!POST:+0.2><!WPM:180> FOR ALL GOOD MEN TO COME TO THE AID of their country. now 30 wpm<!IDLE:2> <!WPM:30>de <MYCALL> k <RX>
This is a more complex macro that might be used for a code practice transmission such as the W1AW broadcast on 3580 KHz.
<MODEM:NULL> <!QSY:3579.200:800> <TX> <!MODEM:CW> <!WPM:5:15><!IDLE:2><FILE:/home/dave/fldigi.ft950/scripts/practice-5wpm.txt> <!WPM:10:15><!IDLE:5><FILE:/home/dave/fldigi.ft950/scripts/practice-10wpm.txt> <!WPM:15:15><!IDLE:5><FILE:/home/dave/fldigi.ft950/scripts/practice-15wpm.txt> <!WPM:18><!IDLE:10><FILE:/home/dave/fldigi.ft950/scripts/bulletin.txt> <!IDLE:5>end of broadcast de <MYCALL> k <RX>
<MODEM:NULL><TX> <!QSY:3583.0:1750> <!MODEM:RTTY:170:45.45:5> RYRYRYRYRYRY de <MYCALL> k <RX>
Several QSY frequencies or ranges of frequencies provided by one increment, can be proposed, in which case the first frequency after the current frequency is chosen.
<MODEM:NULL> <!QSY:3594:915> <!MODEM:RTTY:170:45.45:5><!IDLE:2> <FILE:/home/dave/arrl_test/bulletin.txt> <!MODEM:NULL><!GOFREQ:1000><!IDLE:5><!MODEM:BPSK31><!IDLE:2> <FILE:/home/dave/arrl_test/bulletin.txt> <TX><RX>
^! ^!^! QST de W1HKJ Test bulletin for 9/7/2011 QST de W1HKJ SK ^!^!^!^!^! QST de W1HKJ Test bulletin for 9/7/2011 QST de W1HKJ SK ^r
This is the contents of the ARRL broadcast macro text at the time the macro button is pressed. Each of the <!... macro tags has been specified by the string "^!" which the Tx processor interprets as the command to process the top most tag in the first-in, first-out sequence of tags. As each "^!" is executed the referenced tag is printed to the Rx buffer using color coded text.
<!QSY:3594:915> <!MODEM:RTTY:170:45.45:5> <!IDLE:2> QST DE W1HKJ TEST BULLETIN FOR 9/7/2011 QST DE W1HKJ SK <!MODEM:NULL> <!GOFREQ:1000> <!IDLE:5> <!MODEM:BPSK31> <!IDLE:2> QST de W1HKJ Test bulletin for 9/7/2011 QST de W1HKJ SK